I decided to have a look at the Carrington family in north-east Essex as they keep cropping up in my tree and I was wondering how they were all linked together.
I might write up what I’ve found out about them at one point, but just for now, here’s the different ways I’m related to them – not by blood, but by marriage, over and over again. In fact, both my paternal grandparents are related to them several times over by marriage!
Two Cardinall connections
John Cardinall (1696-1760), brother of my 7 x great-grandfather William Cardinall (1706-1749) married Ann Kerrington (a version of Carrington) in 1726. She was born Ann Adams in about 1695, daughter of Robert Adams (d 1696) and Sarah Peacock. When married Ann Cardinall, she was the widow of Samuel Carrington (1691-1725), the son of Bennet Carrington (d. 1715) and his wife Mary. Samuel and Ann had a daughter, Ann, born in 1720, but I’m not sure what happened to her. There are several Ann Carringtons who married around the time when she might plausibly have done – was she the Ann Carrington who married William Cooke in Great Oakley in 1755, or the Ann Carrington who married Amis Hempson in Tendring in 1759? Was she the Anne Carrington who married Robert Howe in Mistley in 1745? I’m not sure.
John Cardinall’s sister Elizabeth married Thomas Sallows (1699-?) in 1723. Thomas’ sister Mary married John Young or Youngs in 1729, and their daughter Mary married Carrington Wilson in 1755. He was the son of Francis Wilson (d 1756) and Mary Carrington (1750). I’m not sure yet how Mary Carrington fits into the wider Carrington clan, although I’ve noticed that a lot of them can trace their way back to Bennet, or Bennet’s brothers.
Gardiner connection
My 7 x great-grandmother Anne Gardiner (1703-?, married William Crooks, then John Maxfield) had a brother called Henry Gardiner (1697-1771). His daughter Mary (1722-1777) married Joseph Nunn (1718-1782) and their son Thomas (1754-1834) married Mary Carrington (1755-1823). It seems that she is the daughter of Benjamin Carrington (1721-1789) and Mary Lufkin (1727-1760). Benjamin appears to have been the son of Richard Carrington (d 1722) and Mary Maffin (1698-1740). Richard was the brother of Samuel, whose widow married John Cardinall.
Constable connection
This is a very sideways link, but typical of the kind of rabbitholes I fall down! The perils of transcribing parish registers, where I recognise a name and go hunting after it.
My 7 x great-grandfather, Thomas Newcomb (1717-1753) had a sister called Sarah (1715-1775) who married James Allen (1695-1751) in Tendring in 1743. Their daughter Sarah (1746-1819) married Ralph Bull (1742-1824) in Great Oakley in 1764. Their son James Allen Bull (1773-1854) had a daughter called Sarah, who married Maurice John Constable (1817-?). His great-grandfather John Constable (1708-1775) had a sister called Margaret (1713-?), and in 1729, Margaret married Robert Carrington at Wrabness.
I told you it was a very sideways link!
As to how Robert Carrington fits into the north-east Essex Carrington tree… there are two possibilites. He was living in Ramsey when he married Margaret, and their three children were all baptised there. When he wrote his will in 1758, he is described as a gentleman, of Ramsey. There are two possible Robert Carringtons – at least, ones whose baptisms have stood the test of time – a son of Timothy Carington, baptised in 1695, and a son of William and Elizabeth Carington, baptised in 1700. Both baptisms occurred in Ramsey, but which Robert married Margaret Constable? I don’t yet know…
Salmon connection
Another family who I keep tripping over are the Salmons. In Beaumont-cum-Moze in 1773, Benjamin Salmon married Rebecca Allen. Yes, you guessed it, Rebecca was the daughter of James Allen and Sarah Newcomb, as mentioned above.
In 1705, a woman called Rose Salmon married Abraham Carrington. Rose was the daughter of Thomas and Mary Salmon, and is mentioned in Thomas’ will, written in 1714, as his daughter Rose Carenton – he also mentioned Rose’s son Benjamin Carrington. I’m not sure yet how Thomas Salmon fits in with all the the other Salmons – it’s possible he is a brother of Francis Salmon (1688-1756) who is the ancestor of all the Benjamins and Joseph Hazel Salmons who pop up in the Tendring Hundred in the 1700s. Abraham, Rose’s husband, was another son of Bennet and Mary Carrington’s – making him the brother of Samuel (whose widow married John Cardinall) and Richard (whose granddaughter married Thomas Nunn).
Carringtons in Tollesbury
And aside from those, there’s Carringtons in Tollesbury. I’ve wondered before if they were related to the Tendring Carringtons. In 1776 Ann Carrington, daughter of a butcher from Tollesbury called William Carrington, married Edward Sage in Wivenhoe. I will have a look into the Tollesbury Carringtons and see what I can find out!
First published 27th October 2020.