Wills from elsewhere – G

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These wills are from a variety of sources – some from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, and others from county record offices. Most of the wills have been transcribed to include all the names mentioned, but not necessarily all of the details of what each person received, so please see the originals for complete details.

Gawdey [Gawdye], Sir Henry of Claxton, Norfolk, 1621

Knight of the most honourable order of the Bath

Sick in body.

To be buried in Claxton church.

Son Sir Robert Gawdey: all goods, chattels, movables, immovables, plate, jewels, gold, silver, debts, bonds and specialities and ready money whatsoever.

Son Sir Anthony Gawdey: £100 a year for life.

My three granddaughters Anne, Elizabeth and Margery, the daughters of Sir Thomas Jenkinson, £50 each on their marriages.

Servant Robert Cryton: 40sh a year for life

Executor: son Sir Robert Gawdey

Witnesses: Roger Stile, James Farthing, Thomas Plowe

Written 23 Jan 1620/1, probate 12 Mar 1620/1

PCC will

Transcriber’s notes: Sir Henry (abt 1552-1621) was the son of Sir Thomas Gawdey by his first wife, Audrey Knightley. Two of his sons were knighted, and one of his daughters married a knight. His first wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Warner of Norwich. His second wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Richard Barnardiston, widow of Sir Charles Framlingham.

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Gawdey [Gawdie], Dame Mary, of Gawdy Hall, Redenham, Norfolk, 1630

To be buried in the chapel of Redenham church, near my husband Sir Clippesby Gawdy.

Son-in-law Edmond Mondeford esqr: to have education and guardianship of my son Thomas Gawdey during his minority, according to the desire of Lady Frances Gaudy deceased his grandmother. Edmond Mondeford to receive all the revenues of the manors, lands, tenements etc during Thomas Gawdey’s minority, and pay him £200 a year for maintenance.

Property in Suffolk and Norfolk including the manor of Lymborne, Suffolk, bought from Bassingbourne Gawdey. To be sold.

Grandchildren Frederick Tilney and Elizabeth Tilney, children of my daughter Elizabeth, now wife of John Kempe esqr: £200 each when 21 or married, whichever happens first, and 20 marks a year for their education and upbringing until that time.

Son Sir John Brewse: his children. And to said son: use of certain pieces of furniture and household goods [named in the will]. After his death, to his eldest son.

Certain pieces of plate and furniture to son Thomas Gawdey.

Daughter-in-law Lady Susanna Brewse: certain household goods and pieces of clothing.

Son Thomas Gawdey and Edmond Mondeford: my new coach

Daughter Elizabeth Kempe: certain clothing and household goods for life, and after her death to her children Frederick Tilney and Elizabeth Tilney.

Cousin, wife of George Gawdey, 40sh for a ring.

Granddaughters Mary, Alice and Penelope, the three daughters of my son Sir John Brewse: a chest, and all its contents.

Frederick Tilney and Elizabeth Tilney: a bed each

Son Sir John Brewse: £20 and the interest in manors etc in [named places in Norfolk], under a grant made by Elizabeth, now wife of Francis Claxton, sometimes wife of Thomas Brewse esq, the reversion belonging to Sir John Brewse.

My Aunt Wade: £5, and 20sh to each of her children [unnamed]

Cousin Mr James Tirrill: £5

Cousin Dorothy Rivett, dwelling with me: certain household goods.

Godson John Tirrell son of Thomas Tirrell the elder: £10

Nephew Edmund Brooke lately dwelling with me: £10, and to each of his siblings: £5

Money to servants

Money to poor of Redenham and Harleston, Wortwell, Starston, Topcroft, Aldeburgh, Needham, Mendham, Debenham, Capell, Little and Great Wenham.

To the towns of Redenham and Harleston: £20 given to them by Lady Frances Gaudy deceased.

Money to various ministers [including to Mr Hopkins. As she mentions Little Wenham, this is presumably the father of Matthew Hopkins, the Witchfinder General]

Money to Mr Stanton “now dwelling with me.”

Tobias Frere £5 and a cloakcloth.

Executor: son-in-law Edmund Mondeford. If he dies before administering it, executors to be sons Sir John Brewse and Thomas Gawdey.

Supervisor: cousin James Tirrell

Witnesses: Thomas Gawdey, Thomas Wingfield, To. Frere, John Wace, Nathan Booty

Written 24 Dec 1628, probate 10 Feb 1629/30


Transcriber’s notes: Lady Mary was the wife of Sir Clippesby Gawdey (1567-1619). Her parents were George Brooke of Belstead and his first wife, Anne Tirrell. George’s second wife, Elizabeth Withypoole, helped themselves to Belstead Manor, which had been left to Elizabeth’s son Henry Reynolds junior, by his father Henry Reynolds senior. Sir Clippesby was the godson of John Clippesby of Oby in Norfolk, the son of Lettice Knightley/Clippesby/Cardinall. His father was Sir Thomas Gawdey (see his will below), by his second wife, Frances Riches. His father’s first wife was Audrey Knightley, Lettice’s sister. Sir Clippesby Gawdey was half-brother of Sir Henry Gawdey of Claxton (see his will above).

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Gawdey, Thomas, esquire, Serjeant-at-Law, of Sergeant’s Inn, Chancery Lane, London, 1556

Son Bassingbourne Gawdey: all lands etc in various places in Norfolk [named in the will]. If he has no male issue, to my son and heir apperant Thomas Gawdey. If he has no male issue, to my youngest son, Anthony Gawdey. If he has no male issue, to my father, Thomas Gawdye of Harleston. If he has no male issue, to my daughter Katheryn Everarde.

To son Anthony: my manor of Pernale in Norfolk and Suffolk purchased from Sir Arthur Hopton kt. If no male heirs, descent as before: to son Thomas, then son Bassingbourne, then father, then daughter.

Son Thomas: land etc in Norfolk and Hertfordshire held in fee simple and his heirs male. Descent if no male issue: Bassingbourne, Anthony, father, daughter

Brothers Francis Gawdey and George Gawdey: lands and tenements in Suffolk that were my father’s, after the death of my father. If either die without male issue, their half to Thomas’ heirs.

Horses and sheep to be sold to pay debts.

Mr Carill to be paid the £40 he’s owed.

Money owed to Mr Norwich, Richard Ivyes and Thomas Shingilhode

Daughter Evererd has in her purse £200 sealed with my seal of arms, and £20 in another purse. She also has other money “I know not but refer to her conscience.”

Money owed to Mr John Southwell and one other purchasing land in Huntingfield.

Daughter Everard: my best chain.

My Lady Hastings: my ring with the great turks that my Lord of Arundle “did give to me desiring her to remember to pray for me.”

My sister Evererd: one of my late wife’s best bracelets “to pray to me and to be good to her son and my daughter as I would to hers if I should overlive her.”

All my wife’s apparel to be divided between my daughter Evered and my daughter Honor Gawdye.

My daughter Honor: all her mother’s jewels.

My next heir male at the time of my death (and if I have no male heir, the male heir of my father) all my household stuff.

My daughter Elizabeth Steyninges £40 at her marriage, and £5 a year for life.

Som Thomas to give Elizabeth good and sufficient meat and drink and lodgings until her marriage.

My daughter Staynings [named later as Mary] to have £20 at her marriage.

Son Philip Stayninges: interest and leases in Devon and Somerset that were my fathers, paying to his sisters Elizabeth and Mary £20 and to pay my son George Stayninge his brother £4 a year.

To said son George Stayning and my brother Skarff £4 a year for life.

Richard Ives 40sh a year for life, and to have his lodgings in my house.

My priest Sir Robert Hewitt to remain with my heir.

My boy John Stone £5 40sh a year so long as he serves my heir.

Servants Sherlowe, Henry Bretten, Thomas Hicks: 40sh a year so long as he serves my heir.

Money to other servants [unnamed]

To Beeff Fastell [Fascell? Fastolf?] mney in my hands from her aunts

Daughter Everard to bring up my son Anthony until he’s 17, then “put to the Temple to learn the law.” Daughter of have profits of Pernowe Manor to bring Anthony up, and Anthony to have the remainder. “And if my daughter Evered shall not look to him and bring him up as I do put trust in her I pray God that she and hers may never thrive, and to the intent that she shall do as my only trust is in her for him for that I trust nobody so well as I do her but my father who has lost his sight.”

Lease of parsonage of Walsham to sons Thomas, Bassingbourne and Anthony, and daughter Evererd, and a house in Norwich “and they to dwell there and keep together.”

Megge the bastard £10 at her marriage, and in the meantime to be brought up by my daughter Honor.

Rest and residue divided between sons Bassingbourne and Anthony.

Friend James Underwood a black gown and 40sh

Father: all my apparel

Son Anthony: all my law books

Mr Carill: my bay gelding called Knevett.

Executors: father, and son Thomas

Supervisor: Mr Carill, “to be as friendly to my poor children as he has been to me.” “Thus wishing to all this my friends herein named and to all other my friends good and godly life and to die and rise again with Christ and that we may all meet together in the everlasting Kingdom of God. Amen.”

Codicil: 3 Aug 1556

Has assured to now-wife Dame Katherine Hastings properties in [named] places in Norfolk for her life, and that willed to family to be enjoyed by them only after her death.

Sons Bassingbourne and Anthony to have the house in Norwich after Katherine’s death for the rest of the lease, and the lease of the parsonage of Walsham, and the lease of farm from Lorn Arundel and Lord Maltravers.

Wife: “my best nest of bowls that her arms and mine be in, two white standing pots, the bason and ewer bought of Henry Reppes, and bowls, salts and spoons she brought with her.”

Bason and ewer that was my wife’s to son Anthony.

Wife: Knevett and the black chat? that Lord Norfolk gave me and Winter.

Witnesses: John Stone, Martin Corenbok, John Sherman.

Written 1 Feb 1553/4, probate 12 Oct 1556


Transcriber’s note: Thomas was the brother of Sir Thomas Gawdey (see his 1589 will below), the first of the sons to be called Thomas. He mentioned Lady Katherine Hastings in his will, then married her, necessitating a codicil which was added not long before he died. In this will, he mentions his children from several marriages, and his step-children. It’s not clear of “Megge the bastard” was his child or not, but he evidently was taking care of her. He seems to have written the will himself – we hear a father’s anxiety when he implores his daughter to care for his youngest son, and we hear his strength of faith in an afterlife too.

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Gawdey [Gawdye], Sir Thomas, of Gawdie Hall, Norfolk, 1589

To be buried in the church at Redenhall, Norfolk

John Plombe, Daniel Plombe and Audrey Plombe 40sh each

All servants 10sh each

Poor of Redenhall, Harleston and Wortwell 16sh

Poor of Clapston (?), Ashby, Carlton [Carleton?], Hellington [Hemblington?], Rockland Surlingham and Brameton 15sh

Poor of Woolverstone, Chempton and Tattingstone 14sh

Blankets to the poor of said towns too

Unmarried daughters to have £500 each when 18

Wife Frances to have occupation of household goods at Gawdey Hall. After her death, to son Clipsbye Gawdie

Son Henry: 3 silver bowls, the standing cup with the silver cover, one salt with a cover

Wife Frances £40 and all her wearing apparel and jewels, and corn and cattle worth £70

Wife Frances: all manors, lands and tenements in Redenhall and adjoining towns that I bought from my nephew Thomas Gawdey, and lands and tenements in Alborow bought from Plombe, Tompson, Warner and Skete for her life.

Wife to give up her interest in the moiety of Saxlingham Manor to testator’s next heir, and after wife’s decease, all land given to wife to son Clippesby Gawdey. Default of heirs – to second son by my said wife Frances.

Father Thomas Gawdey of Harlestone, Norfolk, is mentioned.

If wife Frances marries again, she to pay Clippesby Gawdey £60 a year for life.

Son Henry to have money reserved upon stock, cattle. Henry to pay Frances £10 a year for the upbringing of his sister Frances.

The wife of Henry, my eldest son, for life for her jointure: manors of Surlingham, Rockland and Porland, plus £50 a year that she has jointly with Henry.

Had manors and land in Suffolk, including the manor of Tattingstone.

Daughters Mingaye, Reade and Wincoll: £20 each

Executors: son Henry, brother Francis

Supervisors: brothers-in-law Henry Riches and Reynold Rowes

Memorandum: certain parts of the will were enlarged on by his cousin Edward Cooke.

Piece of plate worth £10 to the Right Honorable my very good lord Sir Christopher Hatton kt Lord Chancellor of England.

Witnesses: Francis Gawdey, Edward Cooke, George Barneye

Written 1 Nov 1586, probate 1 Feb 1588/9


Testator’s notes: Thomas’ first wife was Audrey Knightley, the sister of Lettice Knightley (wife of William Clippesby of Oby, then wife of William Cardinall of Great Bromley). Thomas and Audrey’s son was Henry, born in Norwich in about 1552. After Audrey’s death, Thomas married Frances. The Gawdey family tree is difficult to untangle as so many of them were called Thomas. The testator was the son of Thomas Gawdey by his second marriage, and the testator had an older brother Thomas, from his father’s first marriage. His brother from his father’s third marriage, named Francis in this will, was, according to a note in the Gawdey papers, called Thomas as well, but he chose to change his name to Francis when he was confirmed.

He is the Thomas Gawdey mentioned in the probate of the will of Simon Hill, his brother-in-law (Simon had married Elizabeth Knightley). His son Clippesby was the godson of John Clippesby, son of Lettice Knightley and her first husband, William Clippesby. Reynoulde Rowes, his brother-in-law, is presumably the man of the same name mentioned in the Knightley visitation, who had married Catherine, another Knightley sister.

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Gleede, Thomas, of St Lawrence Old Jewry, 1597

Wife Alice

Daughter Marie wife of Robert Sparrow

Sons: Thomas, Samuel, William, Robert, John.

Daughters: Abigail and Sarah, both under 21 and unmarried

To Roger Jackson – money owed by Thomas Dowe, and money “by the appointment of” the late Francis Bowyer, alderman, and Harry Bowyer his brother

In 1585, had paid William Downing of Beccles, Norfolk, £150 to be employed by the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, which land is now in suit, and if recovered, profits to his eldest son Thomas

Money to Elizabeth Bothe and her children

Executor: eldest son Thomas

Written 15 July 1596

Codicil, written 25 Nov 1597

Executor now to be son Samuel.

Son Samuel to have the “tuission” and the custory of the inheritance of testator’s children John and Sarah until they reach 21 or marry, whichever is first.

Son Thomas to have the same of testator’s children William, Robert and Abigail.

Son-in-law Robert Sparrow to have all debts owed by John Smithe, Henry Hilton and Dayne. Also to have all household goods of the testator’s currently in “the dwelling house of the said Robert Sparrow situate in Dart Street, London.”

Witnesses: Thomas Bothe notary public, Edward Roydon, Robert Sparrow, Thomas Whitley

Probate 22 Dec 1597


Transcriber’s notes: The baptisms of Thomas’ children can be found in the register of St Nicholas’, Ipswich, all bar John and Abigail, the two youngest. His children appear again in the will of Johane Vaysey of Hinstlesham, written 1586, which states that her “daughter Glede” is deceased. Her husband, John Walton, mentioned two daughters in his will – Anne and Rose. Presumably one of them married Thomas Glede. There is a marriage for a Thomas Glede and an Ann Coppin in the early 1570s, which could be them – if Ann was a widow when she married him.

The testator was buried at St Lawrence Jewry on 29 Nov 1597, as Thomas Gleade, merchant. He mentions the name of several ships in his will, which might explain why he was in London, if he was involved in the port in Ipswich.

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Gleed, Thomas of St Lawrence by Old Jewry, 1615

Money to the poor of London and Ipswich

Leases of property “over and of each side of the gate of the swan with two necks” to be divided among his siblings

Brother William £40 and his best apparel

Sister Abygall Woodhouse £40

Sister Mary Williams £20

Nephew Thomas Sparrow, testator’s sister Mary’s son £10

Nieces Mary and Elizabeth Sparrow, Mary’s daughters, £5 each when 21

Cloth for cloaks and gowns for siblings

Friends Mr William Buckenham and Mr Cutbert Crompton

Rest and residue to sister Sarah Gleed, executor

Written 8 Aug 1614, declared by testator 1 May 1615, probate 5 May 1615


Transcriber’s notes: The testator is the son of Thomas Gleed, above. He was born in Ipswich, the son of Thomas and his wife – a daughter of Joan Cutler by her first husband John Walton.

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