In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Charles Partridge jnr shared his research into the Partridge family of Shelley Hall, near Hadleigh in Suffolk in the pages of The East Anglian. His research turned into a one-name study covering Essex and Suffolk.
- Partridge of Holton St Mary (EA vol 4, p364-5)
- Richard Partridge of Bentley, Suffolk (EA vol 5, p47)
- Munnings of Suffolk and the Partridges (EA vol 5, p208)
- Adams, Gardyner, Kettle, Manwood, Partridge of Suffolk (EA vol 6, p96)
- Some notes on Partridge of East Anglian before AD 1500 (EA vol 6, p313-4) and Errata (ibid, p352)
- Kettle and Partridge of Suffolk (EA vol 6, p352)
- Partridge of Shelley Hall, tree (EA vol 7, p12-3)
- Partridge of Lexden Hundred, memorial inscriptions (EA vol 7, p105-6)
- Partridge memorial inscriptions in Hinkford and Tendring Hundreds (EA vol 7, p176)
- Mann family of Ipswich and their connection with the Partridges: part one, part two
- Extracts from parish registers: Higham, St Clement’s Ipswich, Holton, Capel and Stratford St Mary, Brantham, East and West Bergholt, Polstead, Layham and Fordham (EA vol 10, p58-59) (concluded from vol 9, p365)
- Extracts from parish registers: Shelley (EA vol 10, p89-91)
- Extracts from parish registers: Stoke-by-Nayland and Little Wenham (EA vol 10, p138-141)
- My great-grandfather’s papers: Robert Partridge of Shelley Hall (EA vol 10, p-269274)
- Wills of Richard Patriche of Kersey and Bromeswell (EA vol 10, p281-283)
- Extracts from parish registers: Wiston, Assington, Stoke-by-Nayland, Nayland, Higham, Polstead (EA vol 10, p299-301)
- Three Suffolk wills from the first half of the sixteenth century (EA vol 10, p273-277)
- Query: Captain Pattridge in the Suffolk Hearth Tax records (EA vol 10, p288)
- Three Suffolk wills from the first half of the sixteenth century (EA vol 10, p311-2)
- Query: lost stone at Hintlesham (EA vol 12, p175)
- Partridge, Wiseman, Darcy Sulyard chancery proceedings (EA vol 12, p192) and reply (EA vol 12, p276)