Rectors of Copford

Inside the front cover of Copford’s oldest surviving register are the names of the parish’s rectors, from the 1500s. There is also some useful family history information included in some cases:

  • Robert Hewett, died July 1587
  • Dr Robert Ram inducted Rector, dyed anno Domo: 1638
  • Mr Robert Thomson Rector. Ejected 1662. Non conformist minister Copford
  • Mr Hey. Josselin Rector
  • Mr John Poole Rector 1677
  • Mr John Candell Rector died Nov 13 1688
  • Mr John Dane Rector defunct
  • John Robinson Rector
  • John Dane was inducted Rector of Copford the eleventh day of april in the year 1689 & was afterwards marryed to Mrs Jane Powell eldest daughter of Joseph Powell Rector of St Mary’s in Colchester June the 4th in the same year 1689 and by the Right Reverend father in god Henry Compton Lord Bishop of London betwene the hours of 8 and 12 at Fullham Chapell in the forenoon.
  • And John Robinson Feb 1713/14. Died April 17th 1754 aged 80 years
  • Succeeded by John Denne, who died in March 1800
  • And is succeeded by John Kelly LLD who died Nov 1809
  • And was succeeded by Gervas Holmes who died Sep 4th 1845 aged 69
  • And was succeeded by Kennett C Bayley who died June 2nd 1861
  • And was succeeded by Peter Almeric Leneup Wood who resigned Oct 24th 1878
  • And was succeeded by Benjamin (Ruck or Buck) Keene the same date. Resigned Aug 25? 1893.