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- Washbrook St Mary

Transcribed by Helen Barrell from microfiche held at the Suffolk Record Office. These transcriptions are also available on FreeREG.org.uk
The church is redundant and is in the care of The Churches Conservation Trust. The baptistry houses the church’s fifteenth-century font. When you look at all the names in these baptism records, just remember the font the babies were baptised still remains in the church where your ancestors once stood.
A list of surnames in the churchyard was published in The East Anglian, 1903-4. Read online.
Memorial inscriptions inside the church were published in The East Anglian, 1897-8. Read online.
- Gaps: only one baptism recorded in 1644. No entries at all for 1645 and 1646. 1647’s entries only run until the June – the rest of the year appears to be missing. One entry only for 1648, then the register jumps over ten years to 1658. Again, entries only run to June so appear to be missing entries from later in the year. No marriages between 1644-1661, and none 1666-1695. Entries run up to the early 1670s then there’s a gap until the register starts again in 1695. One baptism is recorded for the 1680s, and had been entered retrospectively in 1699. There are no entries in the register for 1708 or 1709, and no baptisms or marriages for 1710. It’s unclear if they were unrecorded or, given that the parish is quite small, none took place.
- A note entered (apparently by the curate, Robert Syer) just before entries for 1700 reads:
Note: That for want of a Register several Births have bin omitted & no Cognizance being taken then of y Church-Wn [warden] when there was no Minister resident in y Parish, nor loose papers transmitted by ye former Curate of wt happened in his time, having had no Register Bk for near upon two years before He went away & none being provided by ye Church-Wn till about some half a year after my Coming hither I shall insert wt have happend wthin my time, & others (being unregisterd) must continue so, having no information given in.
- The baptism transcriptions include confirmations of nine children in 1636.
- These records are transcribed from microfiche. One page – which appears to covers baptisms and burials 1697, and baptisms 1698, has been double-exposed, so it shows the page on top of itself, but knocked askew by about 5mm. So it’s blurred and very challenging to read. See an example from this page.
- Entries from 1728 appear on fiche 1 and are repeated on fiche 2. However, they are very faded on fiche 1 and much clearer on fiche 2. Only one or two entries from 1728 appear on the spreadsheets 1559-1728. See the second spreadsheet for the rest.
- Only two baptisms for 1802. Handwriting changes at this point so perhaps some baptisms are missing for this period.
- 1559-1728: 706 baptisms (PDF – 150KB)
- 1728-1812: 662 baptisms (PDF – 171KB)
- 1559-1728: 518 burials (PDF – 120KB)
- 1728-1812: 362 burials (PDF – 86KB)
- Alphabetically by groom surname: 259 marriages (PDF – 70KB)
- Alphabetically by bride surname: 259 marriages (PDF – 85KB)
- Alphabetically by groom surname: 180 marriages (PDF – 78KB)
- Alphabetically by bride surname: 180 marriages (PDF – 104KB)