Wills from elsewhere – C

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These wills are from a variety of sources – some from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, and others from county record offices. Most of the wills have been transcribed to include all the names mentioned, but not necessarily all of the details of what each person received, so please see the originals for complete details.

Cardinall, Stephen, possibly of North Stoke, Oxfordshire, 1576

[His abode is not given on the will, however, the clergy database shows that a Stephen
Cardinall, who had graduated from St. John’s Cambridge, was perpetual vicar of North Stoke in Oxfordshire, from 1571 until his death in 1576. The date of death is given as 4th October 1576, but this seems to be the date on which his successor was appointed].

  • To the fellows and scholars of St. John’s, Cambridge: £40
  • To my brother Charles Cardinall £100, he to be executor of this part of the will.
  • To the poor of Ipsden [Oxfordshire]: 13s 4d
  • To the poor of Northstoake [Oxfordshire]: 10s. To the poor of Newnam [Oxfordshire]: 16s 8d
  • To Nicholas Watkin: £4 besides his wages
  • To Sir? Olyver: 40s besides his wages
  • To Willyam Willyamson, my man: 40s
  • To Thomas Watkin: 40s
  • To Goodwife Goodrydge: 20s. To Elizabeth Goodridge: 20s
  • Legacies to be paid out of the following debts: Of Mr. Stoner: 50s; of Mr. Wintershall: £15; of Hall: 15s; of John Roberts: £8 plus wheat and malt; Nycholas Wattkyn to be executor of this part of the will.
  • To my elder brother and my sister Sayer: 40s each to make a ring.
  • To my sister Vasie: two geldings
  • To my Cousin Dyro: 40s to make a ring [presumably Derehaugh: his sisters Julian and Faith married men called Derehaugh, possibly brothers, William and Edward]
  • To my goddaughter Elizabeth Vasye: £5
  • Rest and residue to be spent on discharge of debts, and payment of burial.
  • To my successor: all the charges which I have bestowed about the furniture of this house, except household stuff, to leave it in as good condition as he finds it for his own successor.

Witnesses: Olyver Thomas, Willyam Willyamson, Laurence Dixon

Written: 28th December 1575, proved: 13th Janaury 1575/6

PCC will

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Cardinall, William, gentleman of Egmanton, Nottingham, 1598

[Opens with a very long, religious preamble.]

  • To wife, Julian: household goods, furniture, clothing, for her natural life, in or about my house in Great Bromley, Essex
  • After Julian’s death, the whole interest of the household stuff and furniture at Great Bromley to my daughter, Dame Anne Higham, or if she has died, to her children who are alive at the time of Julian’s death.
  • To Bridget Mason, my wife’s daughter: a silver bowl on the day of her marriage, as long as she marries to her mother’s liking.
  • To my brother Charles Cardinall: my signet ring
  • To John Ashbie, “my man”: £10
  • To the poor of Great Bromley: £10
  • To my servants: 40 shillings each, except to Richard Bishoppe, who is to be “kept” by my wife.
  • Rest and residue to my wife Julian.
  • Lease of £30 a year for 21 years from Michaelmas 1587 to John Baker of Frating for my farm called Moverons – an annuity of £15 each to my grandsons William and Edmund Higham.
  • To my brother Charles Cardinall: the inheritance of Moverons, and to Charles’ male heirs. If Charles has no male heirs, to my grandson John Higham.
  • To my brother, Charles Cardinall: my farm called Coldhall in Great Bromley. Charles has already has a £10 yearly rent charge coming out of my manor of Great Bromley, granted to him shortly after our father’s death. As Julian is given the manor of Great Bromley, she is to receive an annuity of £10, to compensate for Charles’ rent charge.
  • Other parcels of land called Moverons, not included in John Baker’s lease nor in the conveyance made between me and Sir John Higham, but leased to Henry Munt of Great Bromley for 21 years from 1590, with a yearly rent of £10, bequeathed to my dearly beloved friend Mr. Edmund Chapman, Doctor of Divinity, Pastor of Dedham, my native town where I was born, for his natural life or while pastor of Dedham.
  • On his death, or his leaving Dedham, the land to go to the governors of Dedham Grammar School, to maintain two poor scholars born in Dedham or Great Bromley, at St. John’s, University of Cambridge. My brother Charles and his male heirs (or if he has none, my cousin William Cardinall of East Bergholt and his male heirs) to choose the scholars.

Supervisors: Mr. Justice Clinche, Mr. Dr. Bennett, Mr. Cutberd Pepper of Gray’s Inn

Witnesses: Nicholas, Thomas & George Stringer

Written: 16th January 1595. Proved: 18th November 1598.

PCC. The same will is also held at York.

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Cardinall, William, gentleman of Gray’s Inn, Middlesex, 1618 

[Written in Latin.]
  • To the poor of Hadleigh: £3 6s 8d
  • To be buried at the discretion of executor
  • Wife Susanna: my goods and chattels in our marital home, for her natural life, and after her death, to be divided between all my children.
  • To son Thomas Cardinall senior: all my land in Barfold [East Bergholt] called Gamdays immediately after his mother’s death
  • To son William Cardinall: all my property in Hadleigh immediately after his mother’s death, when he is 21.
  • To daughter Marie: £150 when 21.
  • To daughter Susanna jnr: property in Layham, Suffolk, in the tenancy of Sturtap and Cricke, when 21
  • My brothers Nicholas Revet and William Beriffe to supervise

Witnesses: Andrea Knight, Thomas Facon

Written: 1st September 1616, proved: 27th November 1618. Probate to Susanna Cardinall, his widow.

PCC. PROB 11/132/623

Transcriber’s notes: The testator appears in the Suffolk visitation under “Cardinall of Hadleigh”. He was the son of William of Hadleigh’s third son, Edward, and Jane Bendlowes. He first married Margery, daughter of Thomas Fawcon, then in 1603 at Ipswich St Lawrence, he married Susan Golding. She was the widow of John Golding (they had married at Wingfield, Suffolk in 1595), and was the daughter of Thomas Sicklemore of Ipswich, a portman (see his PCC will, 1620). The two “brothers” mentioned in William’s will are his wife’s brothers-in-law: Susan’s sister Mary married Nicholas Rivett of Brandeston, and her sister Frances married William Beriffe of Colchester – both William and Frances died in 1626, and Frances was buried in Wivenhoe, Essex.

William and Susan had four children, all baptised at Hadleigh: William on 14 June 1604, Thomas on 26 July 1605, Mary on 8 March 1607 and Suzan on 16 Sep 1616 (their surname is spelt variously “Cardnold” and “Cardnall”). Only Thomas and Mary appear in the 1612 Visitation – it seems the son William mentioned in the will was born after 1612, as was his sister Susan.

The testator was admitted to Gray’s Inn, London, on 9 Nov 1610 from Barnard’s Inn, on the same day as Thomas Rivett of Rattlesden, Suffolk – a relative of his wife’s brother-in-law, possibly Nicholas’ brother.

The testator was buried in Hadleigh, Suffolk, on 19 Sep 1618 as “William Cardnall, gent, attorney”. I wonder if his widow is the testator Susan Cardinall, a “very ancient” widow of Layer-de-la-Haye – her will was written in 1659 and proved in 1666. She mentions sons Thomas and William, and her grandchildren Thomas, Samuel and Susan Pilgrim – their parents appear to have been Thomas Pilgrime, gent, and Susan Cardinall, who married in Langham, Essex, on 18 Nov 1641. William and Susan Cardinall’s daughter would’ve been about 25 in 1641.

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Clerke, William, gent of Gray’s Inn, Middlesex, 1589

  • Farm called Brookes in occupation of Guyver, and all freehold for eight years to be used to perform this will.
  • After eight years, lands in Stisted and Pattiswick, Essex to nephews John Clerke, William Clerke, Bassett Clerke and George Clerke, sons of brother Andrew Clerke, and to John and William’s heirs forever.
  • Brother Andrew to surrender all of William’s copyhold, and to descend to Andrew’s eldest son Anthony Clerke.
  • Brother Robert Cole, sister Jane Cole, sister Amye Plaile £20 each
  • Brother Edward Derehaugh £10
  • To father and mother a 20 shilling ring each
  • Brother Andrew Clerke a 20 shilling ring
  • Brother William Derehaugh 10 shilling ring
  • Tenant Peirson £4 10 shillings
  • Rest and residue among brother Robert Cole and sisters Jane Cole and Amy Playle

Executors: Robert Derehaugh of Gray’s Inn, gent & brother Robert Cole

Witnesses: James Mayne, Thomas Cotton, Henry Lee

Written 10 Dec 1588, probate 13 Oct 1589.


Transcriber’s notes: William’s mother Margaret married Edward Derehaugh of Markshall, Essex (see their wills). One of his executors, Robert Derehaugh, was his stepfather’s brother. Note that his mother’s will mentions her daughter Anne Playle, not Amy. It’s not clear if Edward Derehaugh his “brother” was a step- or half-brother, but bearing in mind that Edward D jnr was left £10 but William Derehaugh a 10 shilling ring, it seems that it’s possible that Edward was William Clarke’s half-brother, and William his step-brother.

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Clippesby, John of Owbie (Oby), Norfolk, 1598

  • To be buried in the church at Clippesby, “where of I am patron.”
  • Poor of Repps, Bastwick, Oby and Thurne, Norfolk
  • Sister Mary Bouth £10 over and besides the £50 she had on her marriage.
  • Brothers-in-law Robert Bouthe and Edward Bouthe, a gold ring each.
  • Brother Charles Cardinall, gent, a ring, and to his eldest son when 21, a ring.
  • Kinswoman and godchild Anne Coke daughter of Edward Coke esq Her Majesty’s Solicitor General, £5 for a jewel on her marriage
  • All servants 10 shillings each
  • Godson Clippesbie Gawdie a gold ring when 21
  • Matthew Call 40 shillings when 21
  • Niece Marie Bouthe £10 on her marriage day, if she marries with the full consent of testator’s wife
  • William Eagle and George Eagle 40 shillings each
  • Cousin William Francklyn and his wife my cousin £10
  • My little cousins, William Francklyn’s children: Lucie, Julian, Anne and Edward 50 shillings each within 10 years of my decease
  • Nephew William Derehawe son of Edward Deerehawe [Derehaugh] esqr a gold ring worth 50 shillings and my pot covered with silver “with the Derowes armes thereon.”
  • My said nephew’s eldest son a gold ring worth 40 shillings when 21.
  • George Coke gent now a sojourner in my house: a gold ring worth 20 shillings.
  • Christian Farley, daughter of Richard Call, gent, deceased, 40 shillings.
  • Wife to bring up Margaret Call, daughter of Robert Call, until she is 17
  • Daughters Audrey, Frances and Julian, all unmarried.
  • Servants: Suzan Call, Margaret Reade
  • Julian Davie, unmarried, and her brother John Davie, under 21
  • Owned the manors of Clippesby and Oby, amongst other property.
  • Rest and residue to his wife Julian, executrix

Supervisors: cousin Edward Coke, brother-in-law Edward Derehaugh, uncle George Knightley

Witnesses: George Coke, William Francklyn, John Nevison

Written 12 March 1593/4, probate 24 June 1598.

Transcriber’s notes: John and his family are commemorated at the church in Clippesby by a brass showing himself and his wife, their three daughters, and a shroud representing their son William who died in infancy. The brass tells us that John was the son of William, names his wife and daughters, tells us that he died on 31 March 1594.

John Clippesby was the half-brother of Charles Cardinall – John’s mother Lettice Knightley was first married to William Clippesby, then after his death to William Cardinall. This is how Edward Derehaugh and his son William are related to him – the 1558 Essex Visitation for Cardinall says that William Cardinall and Lettice had a daughter called Julian who married a Deranger – it seems this should be Derehaugh, and that Julian’s husband was Edward. John’s widow Julian Clippesby was buried at Oby on 27 Sep 1608. She left a will which is held at NRO.

John and Julian’s daughter, Julian, married Sir Ranulph Crewe. Crewe’s nephew John married Jemima Waldegrave in 1622 (they are 10 x gt-grandparents of Lady Diana Spencer), daughter of Edward Waldegrave of Lawford. There might be a Cardinall connection there, given that Lawford is almost next door to Great Bromley. Also, in the same Waldegrave family, Elizabeth Waldegrave (daughter of William Waldegrave of Hitcham and his wife Elizabeth Polley) married William Appleton – and William’s brother Henry Appleton married Lettice’s daughter Faith Cardinall. Jemima and Elizabeth Waldegrave were second cousins, great-granddaughters of George Waldegrave and Anne Drury.

He mentions his brothers-in-law Edward and Robert Bouthe – presumably one of them married his sister Mary, and the other another of John’s sisters for him to call both men his brothers-in-law. Although “brother-in-law” could also mean stepson, other evidence suggests this could be unlikely, unless one of them had married his wife’s sister. The Bouthes appear to be from Cheshire, as was John’s wife, Julian Ellis (daughter of Matthew Ellis of Overleigh, Chester, and Mary, daughter of Sir Piers Dutton of Dutton). Robert Bouthe died between 1613 an 1615. He refers in his PCC will (probate 1615) to his master and mistress, the Earl and Countess of Shrewsbury. The History of Parliament site says that Julian Clippesby (the testator’s daughter) met her husband Sir Ranulph Crewe while she was in the Shrewsbury’s household – it seems that her uncle was as well, which might be how she came to be in the Shrewsbury’s household.

Anthony Calverley’s 1568 will mentions his cousins Jane Elis and John ap Elis, then his “cousin” John Dutton and his wife Eleanor – Eleanor was the daughter of Anthony’s brother Sir Hugh Calverley, and John Dutton was the grandson of Sir Piers Dutton so John Dutton was the first cousin of the testator’s wife. John Dutton’s mother was Jane, daughter of Sir William “Bowth” of Dunham. Sir George Bouth of Dunham, Sir William’s son, is in Robert Bouth’s will, without Robert describing their relationship, but refers to Sir George’s sisters Mary and Alice, and Sir George’s daughter Alice, as his “cousins.” John Clippesby’s daughter Audrey Grice is in Robert’s will as his niece, and John’s grandsons Clippesby and John Crewe are Robert’s “nephews” – though in truth they were probably his great-nephews.

The Norfolk Visitation for Clippesby says that the testator had a son William, who married a Booth, and had two daughters, Audrey and Julian – but this is an error. It does, however, show a Booth/Bouth in the Clippesby family, and not a connection of the testator’s wife (even though she does seem to have had Booth relatives). It could also be that John had an uncle who married a Booth as well, as Robert Booth’s will mentions his niece “Mrs Julian Amis of Reppes” – and the Norfolk Visitation says that the testator’s aunt, Elizabeth Clippesby married a James Amys. Julian, daughter of Robert and Mary Amess was baptised in Repps with Bastwick on 15 Aug 1598 – perhaps Robert was the son of Elizabeth and James?

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Clippesby, Julian, widow of Oby, Norfolk, 1609

  • To be buried in the chancel of Clippesby church
  • Money to the church for repairs and for her burial
  • Money to the poor of Oby, Clippesby, Billockby, Burrowe, Reppes, Bastwicke and Thurne
  • Brother Robert Amyes: a gold ring and some clothing
  • Cousin Julian Amyes: some clothing
  • Daughter Grice: a box, “my late dear husband’s seal of arms and my own marriage ring”
  • Cousin Daylie and his wife of Yarmouth: some clothing
  • Cousin Prudence Crewe: clothing
  • Cousin Mary? Nicholls: a bed
  • Maid Mar* (Margaret?) Palmer: a bed
  • Parcels of goods and household stuff to grandchildn Clippesby Guibon and John Guybon, to be delivered to them by executors
  • Three children of George Egles: a ewe or 5sh
  • Mr John Nevison, clerk, a grey mare

Executor: rest and residue to William C* (most of surname faded)

Supervisor: son-in-law Ranulphe Crewe

Witnesses: Daniel Shanoke, ? *ade, William Parrye

Written 1 April 1608, probate 3 April 1609


Transcriber’s notes: will damaged. The widow of John Clippesby, who died in 1594. The testator was buried at Clippesby on 27 September 1608.

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Clippesby, William esqr of Oby, Norfolk, 1541

  • To be buried in the church in Clippesby, before the image of St Peter in the north side of the chancel. Money to the said church for repairs.
  • The lepers of Norwich and Yarmouth
  • The poor of Oby, Clippesby, Billockby, Thurne, Repps, and Bastwick.
  • All household stuff to be divided between wife Lettice and son John, when he reaches 21.
  • Daughters Elizabeth, Alice and Margaret unmarried.
  • Son Thomas, under 21.
  • Unborn child of Lettice.

Written: 28 Nov 1540, probate 29 Oct 1541.


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Cutler, Robert, yeoman of London, 1611

  • Is owed money by various people
  • Mother Dorothy Maddock wife of William Maddock of Ipswich, merchant, to have the said sums of money that are owed.
  • After her death, to be divided among my three sisters: Jillian Baxter, Margaret Wyeth and Anne Cary

Executors: brother-in-law Allen Cary, William Vesey, gent

Witnesses: William Rewe, John Famasterwick

Written 8 Sep 1607, probate 4 May 1611


Transcriber’s notes: a son of William Cutler (see his will) and his wife Dorothy Vesey, the daughter of William Vesey and his first wife Margaret Barker. After William Cutler’s death, Dorothy married William Maddock.

Allen Cary, Robert’s brother-in-law and one of his executors, appears to have been from Woodbridge, where he and Anne Cutler married in 1603. I cannot find any wills left by Allan or his wife, but there is a 1657 PCC will for an Allen Cary in Woodbridge, a shipwright, who appears to have been a relative. He doesn’t mention anyone recognisably from Anne Cutler/Cary’s family, however.

William Vesey, the other executor, is likely to have been related to Robert Cutler’s mother. Her brother, William Vesey, died by 1616, so he might be the executor, or William Vesey’s son, also called William.

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